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As this is your first time visit to my page, let me brief you little about my page....
You have reached a personal homepage with originality and richness in content. Don't get fooled by the simplicity of this page... Interesting pages are hidden under these few top links....
This site has evolved few month before. I consistently strive to update this page with quality information along with bits of personal experience and views on a variety of topics affecting my lives.
All the links and the contents are my own creation. My intention is to update this site with content of my own. Hence, please do not expect this site to contain a list of links on any topic linking to external sites , flashy graphics, and eye catchy effects; rather you will find articles and some images created by me during my free time in a simple format.
All might not be perfect, for that matter, even you may disagree on certain views we have presented here. For you to react and comment..., postive or negative, use the guest book, or use the message board. I always welcome your garlands and brickbats... You can vote for this site so that this page will be reachable to more people like you. Now that you had the patience to read this much, I am sure you will sign my guestbook. Your entry will be a valuable addition to my guestbook and will be cherished. Enjoy browsing.... I wish you a Happy Surfing experience....!!!Thank YouVikas VaishProceed.... I am connected to the net from home.
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Your valuable entries in our guest book will be cherished till the end of our net existence.You are the visitor since Nov. 1, 97
Last updated in October, 1998. Vikas Vaish, 105/730, Gandhi Nagar , Kanpur- 208012.